10 Commandments to be a successful BharataNatyam Dancer


  1. Half Sitting - Maintain Proper Half sitting (araimandi) – It is the forte of Bharatanatyam – can’t insist that enough!.
  2. Mudras - Always hold clear Mudras
  3. Stretch - Arms should be stretched while doing Adavus and kept at shoulder level when needed.
  4. Proper eye movements – eyes should follow the hand
  5. Elbows up - When the hand is held in from make sure the elbows are kept up
  6. Smile – ‘Yours is worth a million dollars’
  7. Expression - ‘What is dance without it’? Expression REALLY matters.
  8. Rhythm – Always keep proper thalam with the music
  9. Practice! – ‘makes you perfect’
  10. Distance between hands – when held in the front keep 6 inches between your body and hands.


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