Level 1
At the end of level 1, student will learn:
The prayer before and after dance (namaskar)
Basic body levels.
Basic Understanding of Thala(Rhythm)
The following adavus in single and double speeds
- All the 8 Tattu adavus
- All 8 Nattu aduvus
- Meettu/Marthitha adavus – first 4
- All 8 Pakka adavus
- First group of theermana adavus(Makuta) - 4 adavus
- Kuthitamettu adavus - 8
- Ettu/Kuthu Adavus – first 4
Dance Item(s)
- *Alarippu /or *Kauthuvam / or*Pushpanjali
- Folk dance
28 Asamyuktha Hasta Mudras
Drishti Bhedas(Eye Movements)
Greeva Bhedas(neck movements)
Definitions Given In this Book
Introduction to Bharatanatyam Given In the Book
The 10 Rules
Level 2
At the end of level 2, student will learn:
All Adavus learned in level 1 at triple speed
Following New Adavus
- Periya Adavus
- Sarukkal Adavus
- Uthplavana Adavus
- Tattimettu Adavu
- Kathi Adavu
- Thajathajamtharitha adavus
- Advanced Marthitha Adavus
- *Jathiswaram and/or *Sabdam and/or Mallari
- Semi classical dance or folk dance
24 Samyuktha Hastas
Shiro Bheda (Head Movements)
Pada Bhedas
Differet Items in Bharatanatyam (Margam -as given in this Book)
History of Bharatanatyam
Level 3
At the end of this level, Student Will Learn:
- Sarukkal2(Mayura) Adavu
- Theermana Adavus
- Shimir Adavu
- Karthari Adavu
- Mandi Adavus
- Sutral Adavus
- Advanced Kuttu Adavus
- Mai Adavus
All adavus learned in level 1 and 2 in triple speeds (Drutha Kala)
Dance Items
- * Thillana Or *Keerthanam
- Semi Classical Fusion dance
Shlokas of Samyuktha and Asamyukta Hasthas
Dasavathara Hasthas
Wrist Movements
Madala Bhedas
Types Abhinaya
The Navarasas(9 emotions)
Level 4
At the end of this level, Student Will Learn:
v All Adavus learned in last 3 levels in 3rd speed.
v Korvai Adavus
Dance Items
- Thillana
- Padam(s)
- Semiclassical /Mohiniyattom
Bandava Hasthas
Sthanaka Bhedas
Few Viniyogas of selected hand gestures
Growth and Revival of Bharatanatyam
Different styles of Bharatanatyam
Level 5 - Arangetram Level
At the end of this level, Student Will Learn:
Dance Items
1. *Varnam
2. Padams
3. Semi-classical Fusion
4 . Bhajans
Gati Bhedas
Bhramari Bhedas
Utplavana Bheda
Cari Bhedas
More Viniyogas of selected hand gestures
Bharatanatyam Margam
Optional: Study on Indian Temples
* Indicates Items for test